To conclude my opinion of the entrepreneurship, I think it is all about how to set up a success social network based on China's big internet environment, which has tones of limit and people can not choose to talk what they like.
So, the basic idea is how to set up a account hierarchy which can let specific group of people have the speech freedom, just like the credit card, if you have good record, you can get more loans from the bank; so if you have good record of your account, you can definitely talk something sensitive, political stuffs, for example. So these will not only just a new social network, but more is about change the social network industry in China, and may change the big internet environment in China. I think this is also what western countries need, based on some of the news and articles, there are governments which treat social network as a enemy because terrorists use Twitter and Facebook to discuss the terrorism attack. We want to change the opinion of those governments and make them believe that social network is not that dangerous.
One more thing I feel will attract people is I think we should open the core code of the web, based on user account's credit. Because at some point I think the user may get bored about the interface which Facebook has been used for almost 5 years. So when we open the core code to some of the users who are interested in and also have the access to change the interface, more users may attracted to our program.
In my personal view, I do not want to copy anything from anyone, what I want, and aim to do is to build up a correct and acceptable social network in China, and provide a platform to every user which can let them discuss and talk what they like.
URL of commend: 1:
Little discussion about the set up of net work in the business
In my firm, there are two main types of network that should be built up. The first one, of course, should be the local network around the office, which may just have a central server to let all the computers and other devices like all the printer and scanner connected to each other; also, for the local network, another advantage is easy to share the information and files through the small network rather than send to others by email or use a flash disk; employees can just log in with their user name and find someone else also in the local network for the company and copy the file to each other. This process not only make everyone's work easier, but also make the process of sending files more secure, because we do not use the open network anymore.
Second network we need to built up is the big server for all the users which have a account at our social media. Things become different now; for the first part, we may just need a small server to solve all the information transformation for the company, which means the amount of work and calculation will not be a big number, even two or three family used server can deal all the problems. But when we need to put the server to the open network, which means our IP will be open to everyone who know our web; so the number of browse, the amount of search will both increase for a tremendous amount. So at this time, for the open network, and as the main server of the company which controls and managing all user information, should be strong enough and also, secure enough; because it is connected to the open network
Second network we need to built up is the big server for all the users which have a account at our social media. Things become different now; for the first part, we may just need a small server to solve all the information transformation for the company, which means the amount of work and calculation will not be a big number, even two or three family used server can deal all the problems. But when we need to put the server to the open network, which means our IP will be open to everyone who know our web; so the number of browse, the amount of search will both increase for a tremendous amount. So at this time, for the open network, and as the main server of the company which controls and managing all user information, should be strong enough and also, secure enough; because it is connected to the open network
What if the source code of an social network is publish to all the users?
Like what Jeff mentioned in the class, and through the experiences in my life, there is no such big difference between IOS and Android (I will keep the Blackberry for a while because compare to those two mobile operating system blackberry is not that smart); so why more customer choose to use Android phone? The most important reason is Apple limit the usage of their source code, and if someone want to make any change or improvement, they need to get some kind of license, and follow all of the steps and requirements Apple give to them, this also happened if you want to write some programs based on IOS, like Angry Bird, you need the source code or you can not do it. But Android is more open than IOS, it givescustomers, even those fans of the Android, the opportunity and stage to do what ever they like, make changes, design games and applications, do all the improvements.
Same to the social network; I cannot believe that if someone can stand his or her Facebook's home page keep the same for more than 2 months, to be honest, I do not like it. It is not just change the background of the page, or the organization of all the icons. What if some of the customer want to have their own, personalized home page? We cannot do all the things for them, we cannot accept everyone's request and change the settings for everyone. So my idea is, based on the credit distribution we can give those users with good credit record a chance to set up their own page; we will open our source code to them and they can decide how to change to their settings. I think this change can definetly attract more customer to use our product because you can manage your own home page.
Same to the social network; I cannot believe that if someone can stand his or her Facebook's home page keep the same for more than 2 months, to be honest, I do not like it. It is not just change the background of the page, or the organization of all the icons. What if some of the customer want to have their own, personalized home page? We cannot do all the things for them, we cannot accept everyone's request and change the settings for everyone. So my idea is, based on the credit distribution we can give those users with good credit record a chance to set up their own page; we will open our source code to them and they can decide how to change to their settings. I think this change can definetly attract more customer to use our product because you can manage your own home page.
Discussions about the shaker
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The topic I want to talk about is concentrate on the new social network, Shaker, which put Facebook users to a wider stage to meet more friends they never see each other in the real world before but have the similar interest with them.
It is an amazing idea about the innovation in social network, people are trying to make more connections and interceptions between the social networks, or let us say the virtual world, and the real word. Facebook provides us a platform to achieve the Step 1, which is let us know more about the people around us, if you know their name and they have a Facebook account. But what if people who are shy and afraid of talking to strangers because of the culture shock or language problems? Is that means they cannot have any friends on Facebook or other social network? Shaker gave them the chances to make friends and meet different people.
The topic I want to talk about is concentrate on the new social network, Shaker, which put Facebook users to a wider stage to meet more friends they never see each other in the real world before but have the similar interest with them.
It is an amazing idea about the innovation in social network, people are trying to make more connections and interceptions between the social networks, or let us say the virtual world, and the real word. Facebook provides us a platform to achieve the Step 1, which is let us know more about the people around us, if you know their name and they have a Facebook account. But what if people who are shy and afraid of talking to strangers because of the culture shock or language problems? Is that means they cannot have any friends on Facebook or other social network? Shaker gave them the chances to make friends and meet different people.
Shaker uses the resources from Facebook and combined all the users in other social network like Second Life and The Sims; so the Shaker become like a big bar which you can choose to enter different rooms for different themes; choose your favorite music; interaction with other Facebook users, and even order a drink for another user. The Shaker comes up the idea that going to a bar but actually you do not go to the bar. More importantly, Shaker can put you into the room that is most suitable for you based on your personal file and what you post on Facebook or Twitter, what we called the key word. If you like Hip-Hop and you always use IPhone, at the same time you are in Syracuse University like physics; then the system will put you in to the room which suits those key words most. So when you join a room and start a conversation with other users you will never feel a kind of nervous or unfamiliar because everyone in the room has same interest. This idea definitely solve the problem of two strangers cannot find the common topic to talk about when they first meet and feel a kind of embarrassment.
But, the question is, do people want to meet friends in this way? Just know each other on the internet based on the common interest? I have asked dozens of friends around, most of them gave me negative responses, which indicate that most people, at least in US, do not want to make friends with some strangers before they meet each other in the real world. And more importantly, if you want to find a suitable room for yourself, you should share your personal profile and information; but based on the classes we had one week ago, always limit your personal information, or we can do a lot from Google or LinkedIn. One more problem, every user’s resource Shaker using now is from Facebook, what if Facebook decide not to provide the user’s profile anymore? Then the Shaker will loss all of its users because it operates based on the Facebook, it should come up with its own user crowd.
Main Input and Output used in the entreprenure
Digital camera, which may not widely used in my company, still give me some idea about the megapixel. Because as we are a company, we may need to organize a new conference for new products, we may held a news conference; so for all of those activities, we need to put posters, we need to give out our brochure, which are all need to be print out, so at this point we need to consider the megapixel and the print size; at which rate the image can be printed at the best quality.
The second thing i think is pretty useful is the RFID tech. It introduce the idea using the radio frequency to identity each ueser. I think this is is a good idea because it can be widely used for my employees especially to check when they leave the company which is easy to see if someone is late for work or leave early. Another use is related to our social network. All users can decide if they want to make a RFID identification card for themself, so when they go to special place which has a RFID reader, they can directly pass it rather than show the ticket or the passport. But the disadvantage is, it includes all your personal information, which might easily used by others.
The second thing i think is pretty useful is the RFID tech. It introduce the idea using the radio frequency to identity each ueser. I think this is is a good idea because it can be widely used for my employees especially to check when they leave the company which is easy to see if someone is late for work or leave early. Another use is related to our social network. All users can decide if they want to make a RFID identification card for themself, so when they go to special place which has a RFID reader, they can directly pass it rather than show the ticket or the passport. But the disadvantage is, it includes all your personal information, which might easily used by others.
Discussion about hardware in entrepreneur
As an high tech company, especially that my goal is the new type of social network, or wieldly, is social media, computer and server will be a really important part of the operation.
In one company, there are three parts of people. The first kind is the normal employees, like the front desk, basic clerk, or even secretery will use one type of computer which because they only need to do face the basic problems like write a work report on Word, set up a financial statement with Exel or send the email to the boss. So, for this group of people, they just need to use the basic computer with best cost performance. The processor, for example, Intel i5 is enough for them and I may only use the 4G memory because they do not need to run complex program which need to use big part of the memory. Then, another important part of the people are those expert who are solving all the problems about the network, web design, collection of information, net security, ect. As for this group of people, because they are facing the problems are more complex, which need them to use more expert knowledge to solve the problems; the computer for them then need a Intel i7 processor and at least 8G memory. And if someone need to do something with graphic design, the video card need to be good enough because they need to use software like PhotoShop frequently. Last group of people are the management level of the company, they may not need a really fast computer because they hardly ever do something related to design or issue solving. But, one thing they really need is the security of their information and data; so the software, hardware, especially the hard disc, need to be professionally at the security and information protection.
In one company, there are three parts of people. The first kind is the normal employees, like the front desk, basic clerk, or even secretery will use one type of computer which because they only need to do face the basic problems like write a work report on Word, set up a financial statement with Exel or send the email to the boss. So, for this group of people, they just need to use the basic computer with best cost performance. The processor, for example, Intel i5 is enough for them and I may only use the 4G memory because they do not need to run complex program which need to use big part of the memory. Then, another important part of the people are those expert who are solving all the problems about the network, web design, collection of information, net security, ect. As for this group of people, because they are facing the problems are more complex, which need them to use more expert knowledge to solve the problems; the computer for them then need a Intel i7 processor and at least 8G memory. And if someone need to do something with graphic design, the video card need to be good enough because they need to use software like PhotoShop frequently. Last group of people are the management level of the company, they may not need a really fast computer because they hardly ever do something related to design or issue solving. But, one thing they really need is the security of their information and data; so the software, hardware, especially the hard disc, need to be professionally at the security and information protection.
Some new ideas about social security
As what Professor Rubin showed us in the lecture, social media privacy is one of the most serious problem in the world. You can definitly only use Google and a name to find out tones of details about the guy. So, the question becomes more clear: how can we protect our privacy when we use the social media, except fill in the inveracious informations, if you do not want to loss the interest of social media.
First of all, do not open your files to everyone, it is most dangerous way and also the easiest way to reveal your personla information. Search yourself on the google first, and try if you can find anything that is related to you or exately it is you. And try to keep silent when someone wants to talk with you about your private informaiton, try your best to refuse them. And one of the best way to do it is go and change the privacy settings not only in your Facebook, but also for your other social network. Another big deal is, when you use Ebay or Amazon, they will remember your personal file too, clear your browser frequently, this will helps a lot if you are that kind of people who always purchase goods, it will shows your family address, definitly.
First of all, do not open your files to everyone, it is most dangerous way and also the easiest way to reveal your personla information. Search yourself on the google first, and try if you can find anything that is related to you or exately it is you. And try to keep silent when someone wants to talk with you about your private informaiton, try your best to refuse them. And one of the best way to do it is go and change the privacy settings not only in your Facebook, but also for your other social network. Another big deal is, when you use Ebay or Amazon, they will remember your personal file too, clear your browser frequently, this will helps a lot if you are that kind of people who always purchase goods, it will shows your family address, definitly.
Some New Ideas about how Social Media develops in China
Before I illustrate my entreprenurial idea, I have to introduce the situation, or lets say all the difficulties, we will meet in the process of setting up the business.
China is a country with no speech freedom, which means all the topics we can talk about at facebook or twitter will never appeared on China's social media terrace. The astrict of speech freedom not only reduce the passion of Internet users in China, but stuck the development of China's Internet industry. So the very first thing I will include in the new social media program is give everyone a place, we can also call it a stage, to talk about things that they are interested in. But how? There are tones of web can provide you a place to talk about your interest, why I need to choose you. My idea came from the purpose of Procellian Club in Harverd University, which is the top fraternity in the world. What they are looking for is to set up a hirachy society, whcih happend in nowadays' United States society, but in a different way. In mordern society, your credit rating put you in to different groups; if you have a good credit rating, you can buy guns, you can get huge amount of loans, and your credit card may have a different maximum level than others. Things will operate in the same way through the new social media program; everyone with an account will also have a credit account, which group you can get in, or what kind of topics you can talk about will all depends on your credit account; for example, your credit is enough to discuss the government behavior, you can join the government behavior group, or tell your own opinion about some of the issues; but if you have a bad credit record, you can only read others' status, and the topic of your status will be limited.
Another idea I can come up with now is, a new searching engine to find your friend. This may include the cooporation between different copanies and Google, but I think the idea will convince more people to meet their friends or classmates. More about the idea is the INTERSECTION SEARCH, ,which can include all the mutual friend, location, photo, and key word search. One example will make the idea more clear: one day, you are hanging out with other 3 of your friends, and they will take you to a movie with someone else you never met before but knows your 3 friends; so at the first stage, you got 3 mutual friends; after you arrivied the cinema, the new friend may use his/her smart phone to locate himself where is he; now, you have one more detail; third thing you need to do is have a photo about the new friend, which can connected to the pattern recognation on Google; finally, your new friend may update his/her status like: gonna to wtch movie with frendz; use key word search: watch, movie, friends; I believe the final result came out is the people exactly you will see, which also save your time to find out the friend from more than 100 people who has similar name.
China is a country with no speech freedom, which means all the topics we can talk about at facebook or twitter will never appeared on China's social media terrace. The astrict of speech freedom not only reduce the passion of Internet users in China, but stuck the development of China's Internet industry. So the very first thing I will include in the new social media program is give everyone a place, we can also call it a stage, to talk about things that they are interested in. But how? There are tones of web can provide you a place to talk about your interest, why I need to choose you. My idea came from the purpose of Procellian Club in Harverd University, which is the top fraternity in the world. What they are looking for is to set up a hirachy society, whcih happend in nowadays' United States society, but in a different way. In mordern society, your credit rating put you in to different groups; if you have a good credit rating, you can buy guns, you can get huge amount of loans, and your credit card may have a different maximum level than others. Things will operate in the same way through the new social media program; everyone with an account will also have a credit account, which group you can get in, or what kind of topics you can talk about will all depends on your credit account; for example, your credit is enough to discuss the government behavior, you can join the government behavior group, or tell your own opinion about some of the issues; but if you have a bad credit record, you can only read others' status, and the topic of your status will be limited.
Another idea I can come up with now is, a new searching engine to find your friend. This may include the cooporation between different copanies and Google, but I think the idea will convince more people to meet their friends or classmates. More about the idea is the INTERSECTION SEARCH, ,which can include all the mutual friend, location, photo, and key word search. One example will make the idea more clear: one day, you are hanging out with other 3 of your friends, and they will take you to a movie with someone else you never met before but knows your 3 friends; so at the first stage, you got 3 mutual friends; after you arrivied the cinema, the new friend may use his/her smart phone to locate himself where is he; now, you have one more detail; third thing you need to do is have a photo about the new friend, which can connected to the pattern recognation on Google; finally, your new friend may update his/her status like: gonna to wtch movie with frendz; use key word search: watch, movie, friends; I believe the final result came out is the people exactly you will see, which also save your time to find out the friend from more than 100 people who has similar name.
My very first BLOG
Why Facebook, one of the most successful social media program, is not welcomed in China; we even cannot set up a twitter account, and we cannot watch videos on YouTube. China’s government prefers to let the local company to copy the idea and to publish almost the same product rather than let we use those “famous” social media, or even cooperate with those successful companies. When I want to watch TV programs such as <24 hours> or <Hero>, I cannot find on YouTube because I even cannot browse it. But when I want to watch it through China’s video website, I cannot find any of them; the reason is: the government wants to protect the local TV companies. But everyone knows that this is not good for company’s improvement. We cannot say that because they do better than us so we keep them out of our door, whether it based on protection or other purpose.
Another reason that the social media like Facebook and twitter cannot be success in China is they are not under government’s control, which means there might be something, which is negative about the government. China is not a country with speech freedom, so we cannot talk a lot of things about history or about present government, which limit a lot about the topics we can choose to talk about. A country’s develop does not depends on percentage change in GDP, is more about how citizens get satisfied about the government; if the government closed the only door (because the public media is also controlled by the government) to speech freedom, there will never be a place that people can talk without worries, talk everything they want to discuss about.
Through the program, I want to figure out the real reason why China do not allowed those social media to come in to China’s internet market, and more importantly, figure out a solution can change the government’s idea about social media; I know it is hard and time wasting, but I want to have a try, try to build up a better internet, not only the social media, using environment.
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