Like what Jeff mentioned in the class, and through the experiences in my life, there is no such big difference between IOS and Android (I will keep the Blackberry for a while because compare to those two mobile operating system blackberry is not that smart); so why more customer choose to use Android phone? The most important reason is Apple limit the usage of their source code, and if someone want to make any change or improvement, they need to get some kind of license, and follow all of the steps and requirements Apple give to them, this also happened if you want to write some programs based on IOS, like Angry Bird, you need the source code or you can not do it. But Android is more open than IOS, it givescustomers, even those fans of the Android, the opportunity and stage to do what ever they like, make changes, design games and applications, do all the improvements.
Same to the social network; I cannot believe that if someone can stand his or her Facebook's home page keep the same for more than 2 months, to be honest, I do not like it. It is not just change the background of the page, or the organization of all the icons. What if some of the customer want to have their own, personalized home page? We cannot do all the things for them, we cannot accept everyone's request and change the settings for everyone. So my idea is, based on the credit distribution we can give those users with good credit record a chance to set up their own page; we will open our source code to them and they can decide how to change to their settings. I think this change can definetly attract more customer to use our product because you can manage your own home page.