
Some New Ideas about how Social Media develops in China

       Before I illustrate my entreprenurial idea, I have to introduce the situation, or lets say all the difficulties, we will meet in the process of setting up the business.
       China is a country with no speech freedom, which means all the topics we can talk about at facebook or twitter will never appeared on China's social media terrace. The astrict of speech freedom not only reduce the passion of Internet users in China, but stuck the development of China's Internet industry. So the very first thing I will include in the new social media program is give everyone a place, we can also call it a stage, to talk about things that they are interested in. But how? There are tones of web can provide you a place to talk about your interest, why I need to choose you. My idea came from the purpose of Procellian Club in Harverd University, which is the top fraternity in the world. What they are looking for is to set up a hirachy society, whcih happend in nowadays' United States society, but in a different way. In mordern society, your credit rating put you in to different groups; if you have a good credit rating, you can buy guns, you can get huge amount of loans, and your credit card may have a different maximum level than others. Things will operate in the same way through the new social media program; everyone with an account will also have a credit account, which group you can get in, or what kind of topics you can talk about will all depends on your credit account; for example, your credit is enough to discuss the government behavior, you can join the government behavior group, or tell your own opinion about some of the issues; but if you have a bad credit record, you can only read others' status, and the topic of your status will be limited.

       Another idea I can come up with now is, a new searching engine to find your friend. This may include the cooporation between different copanies and Google, but I think the idea will convince more people to meet their friends or classmates. More about the idea is the INTERSECTION SEARCH, ,which can include all the mutual friend, location, photo, and key word search. One example will make the idea more clear: one day, you are hanging out with other 3 of your friends, and they will take you to a movie with someone else you never met before but knows your 3 friends; so at the first stage, you got 3 mutual friends; after you arrivied the cinema, the new friend may use his/her smart phone to locate himself where is he; now, you have one more detail; third thing you need to do is have a photo about the new friend, which can connected to the pattern recognation on Google; finally, your new friend may update his/her status like: gonna to wtch movie with frendz; use key word search: watch, movie, friends; I believe the final result came out is the people exactly you will see, which also save your time to find out the friend from more than 100 people who has similar name.

