
Some new ideas about social security

       As what Professor Rubin showed us in the lecture, social media privacy is one of the most serious problem in the world. You can definitly only use Google and a name to find out tones of details about the guy. So, the question becomes more clear: how can we protect our privacy when we use the social media, except fill in the inveracious informations, if you do not want to loss the interest of social media.

       First of all, do not open your files to everyone, it is most dangerous way and also the easiest way to reveal your personla information. Search yourself on the google first, and try if you can find anything that is related to you or exately it is you. And try to keep silent when someone wants to talk with you about your private informaiton, try your best to refuse them. And one of the best way to do it is go and change the privacy settings not only in your Facebook, but also for your other social network. Another big deal is, when you use Ebay or Amazon, they will remember your personal file too, clear your browser frequently, this will helps a lot if you are that kind of people who always purchase goods, it will shows your family address, definitly.

1 条评论:

  1. Really solid advice Chris. You should also consider checking facebook privacy settings periodically because they change often. An good online identity is really important to have in the age of information that we all currently live in.
